The Flow I Know: My book for black creators | IFundWomen Skip to main content

The Flow I Know: My book for black creators

Help me publish my book and guide for Artists of Color!

pledged of$15,000 goal
0Days Left

Project Description


My mission is to create a language of self mastery with a book and creative workshop that speaks directly to women, but is for everyone to enjoy. Why? Because confident, creative women tend to pour back into their communities when supported and inspired! As an experienced creative and motivator, I'm confident in my ability to guide and champion women in creating impact in the world with their natural talents and creative expression by sharing processes that have helped me get fulfilling and lucrative results for myself and others.



-In the US, Women of color, especially black women, get less support in the workplace and have a harder time raising venture capital for their businesses. They are also hired, promoted and invested in less than their counterparts.

-As of 2021, there were  37 women leading Fortune 500 firms. Of these women, just three were women of color and none were Black or Latina. Looking at the total workforce in the U.S. Black women account for 7% of the population, but make up 12% of minimum wage earners, according to data from Lean In. Of C-suite leaders today, 21% are women and just 1% are Black women. All of this, despite the fact that 75% of Black women view themselves as “very ambitious towards their career,” with 40% hoping to make it to a management position within the next five years.

-While Black women continue to pursue higher education at increasing rates over the last few decades, they make up only eight percent of private sector jobs. 

-While climbing corporate ladders, women of color and black women are still struggling to find balance and acceptance in the office…According to a  2019 report from and McKinsey & Company, “45% of women of color have been the only person of their gender in corporate rooms, and the number is even higher for women in STEM fields.” 


-Black Women are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs according to JP Morgan Wealth Management. Given a lack of access to capital, Black women are more likely than other demographic groups to self-fund their businesses, WHICH means they will need more support building teams and infrastructure to help sustain their businesses.

-Motives for creating a new business include producing a source of income or following a dream, two things I KNOW from personal experience can be difficult to execute alone! As more and more black women are entering the entrepreneurial landscape, they’ll need access to resources like coaching and mentorship so they can sustain their businesses and dreams. 

-Plus, women of color tend to give back to their communities more than most other demographics so providing more resources to women = creating a better world, one community at a time!


even when I did stand-up, I couldn't help, but see the silver lining in everything.



I’m a Los Angeles based mindset and creativity coach to writers, performers and entrepreneurs, but just a few years ago I was living in New York City, working unsatisfying survival jobs during the day, while pursuing stand-up comedy and sketch and improv comedy acting at night and on weekends. Not knowing whether to commit fully to the workforce forever or to the life of a starving artist, I quietly struggled between two worlds and struggled to rise to the occasion of my creative calling, feeling lost, confused and wracked with anxiety over the direction my life seemed to be taking.

By 2016, I was burnt out and depressed and I knew something needed to change. I went to and scheduled an appointment with the first therapist I could afford and thank GOD, he was actually a good therapist because the work we did together over the next two years would lead to some huge internal shifts, even though I didn’t see or feel those shifts immediately. 

Essentially, therapy introduced me to the world of personal development and allowing support into my life. I had been burned so many times by not receiving support, I just became okay trying to be independent and I wasn’t even aware of how unworthy I felt of help until talk therapy pulled this out of me. While independent, by my mid-20’s, I had become obsessed with validation and approval outside myself. 

I had a lot to unlearn and therapy was really only the beginning, but it led me to the world of self-help books, seminars, online courses and, of course, life coaching.

I worked with my first mindset coach in 2019 and also joined a mentor program called, “New Girl on the Block,” that was designed to, “turn shy girls into fly girls.” It was in this program that I first felt the power of women in community together. We met on a quarterly basis, celebrated each other, shared our struggles and our plans and it was also HERE where I was first encouraged to start a podcast. 

The shelter-in-place in 2020 accelerated a spiritual awakening of sorts, as well as an ambition to share my story and express myself through writing and speaking. I began to see creativity as more than just another potential stream of income. I started to see it as an essential part of a lifelong healing journey. 

Finally, in June 2020, The Black Creator Connection community was formed and then in September, the podcast was launched! The show was met with high esteem by the community and network I nurtured prior to launching by facilitating weekly Black Creator virtual writing sprints and creator check-ins.

The podcast received warm regards and continues on as a passion project of mine today!



The initial success of the Black Creator Connection podcast ushered in more opportunities for me to speak to various groups, facilitating "lunch and learns" and a few one hour workshops in different virtual classrooms. I began speaking about topics that really mattered to me (ie, resilience, worthiness, generational healing, what it means to have unwavering faith, surrendering to love, and prioritizing relationships above all else). 

By the start of 2021, I was ready to formalize my mentorship into a coaching program so I invested in a business group container called "Purpose to Platform," which helped me design and launch my own signature offer that I felt confident in offering my community of tight nit creatives.

LaurenclarkisRAD (Rad = resilient, aware, and daring) launched on Jan. 1, 2021 and between 1 on 1 coaching and the black creator connection check-ins, I grew solid in what I wanted to give and create: Space for artists of color, especially black artists… especially black WOMEN, to just BE. Space to feel seen, heard, and celebrated.



I also shared actionable strategies for taking steps in building the creative life of dreams by sharing insights into metaphysics and manifestation (ie the law of attraction) after I won a scholarship to a 6 months long mindset mastery program all about the laws of the universe and applying them to your life. This program helped me step into coaching and speaking full time, which leads me to NOW… 

I’m very proud of how far I’ve come and I’m ready to take the next step solidifying my authority as a writer, speaker and motivator with this book, specifically speaking to black women, creators of color, and black artist advocates…


“The Flow I Know” is a collection of essays, affirmations, prayers and exercises that I’ve gathered from my creative journey thus far. The Flow I Know is also a mantra I want to share with the world, or really more of a battlecry. Life is so hard for each of us, but we came built with our own inner guidance and wisdom that we’ve unfortunately detached from. This is part of the work I do as a coach and writer. In all areas of life, the strongest desire I have is to help others understand their own inner worlds so they can change whatever they don’t like! 

Here are some of the chapter headlines so far to look forward to. I may change some of these or add more! Depends on what my author coach says! 

  1. Mentors, Coaches, & Sponsors Oh my!
  2. Creative Resilience - what it is, why you can do anything, even if you’re in massive student loan debt, you’ve been fired from several jobs and a recession LOOMS.
  3. Your parents messed you up— Let’s talk about it.
  4. self sabotage isn't real, but let's pretend it is for a second...
  5. Everyone has a boss. Even entrepreneurs have bosses, they are called CUSTOMERS.
  6. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood (this is about reparenting yourself and inner child healing).
  7. Your friends messed you up- let’s talk about it. 
  8. Rejection and betrayal, but make it look sexy.
  9. Work is for suckerz, aliens are real and Tupac is alive (talking about beliefs and identity)
  10. The people you serve (not a cookbook, genuine advice)
  11. Non-negotiables, 24 hour day, Desires, Wants, Needs & other things we don’t spend enough time defining for ourselves
  12. Confidence versus Arrogance OR Let me tell you about COLLEGE.
  13. Alignment, Faith, Spirituality, Purpose & Sandwiches
  14. How to retire from everything, give up, start over, eat shit, give up again, surrender and turn 25.
  15. Want to become your sexiest, boldest, most badass self? Try botox. jk.. start journaling. 
  16. Success tips for the modern day 9-5 warrior 
  17. Don’t be everything to everyone. Quality over quantity. Be okay with losing people who are okay with losing you.
  18. F is for Fraud: How to stop THOSE feelings from stopping you. 

All of these stories have been WRITTEN and the lessons from these stories are lessons I use in my coaching, speaking and storytelling so yes, you could say this book is my life’s story, but I also intend to make this book tremendously valuable and entertaining as well! 

How on Earth can I promise this? 

Because I’m working with one of the best publishing houses there is! Thanks to Live Limitless Media and Sierra Rainge for all the coaching and mentorship thus far and for the journey ahead! I know together we’re going to start a movement with THE FLOW I KNOW and black women everywhere will be empowered to CREATE, LEAD and SERVE from a place of peace and joy.

AND TO YOU, choosing to support this campaign…

Thank you SO MUCH for helping me launch my book and blossoming speaking career! With your support, I'll be able to invest in brand assets such as a professional media kit, a speaking reel, brand photography, book publishing costs, paying my writing coach, editor, attorney, and more!...depending on if I make it to the goal!

 I’m also hoping to expand my team by hiring an email marketing manager, a virtual assistant, graphic designer and/or an editor for my podcast. I know all will come together in perfect timing.  thank you so much again for following me on this journey!

Keep your eyes on the updates and FAQ page as I will be updating those pages with more info as the campaign progresses. 

Thank you again! Keep on creating! You are loved! <3




The Campaign FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • If I signed up for a reward with a coaching session(s), when do I get them? Once your payment goes through, you'll receive an email with my calendar and you can book your session or sessions through the link provided! 
  • Are the coaching sessions transferable? Can I use them as gifts? ABSOLUTELY. If you'd like to transfer your 1:1's to a creative entrepreneur you know, please feel free to do so, you'll just need to shoot me an email and let me know you'd like to do this, more information on how to transfer the sessions will provided in your scheduling and onboarding email. 
  • Do the coaching sessions expire? Technically no, but I highly recommend booking sooner than later, more specifically within the next year! Scheduling is dependent on my availability and as time goes, I may be making the spots for 1 on 1 fewer and further between, but I will honor the sessions you paid for whenever you're ready to use them!



Lexie Wilson
Shoutout + Creative Resilience PDF
Kate Moran
Thank you for supporting!
Thank you for supporting!
J. Wynona
Thank you for supporting!
Sharon Spell
Shoutout + Creative Resilience PDF
Monetary Contribution
Amanda Hunt
Shoutout + Creative Resilience PDF
Mara M
PDF + 30 min. mentor call
Lexie Wilson
Shoutout + Creative Resilience PDF
Thank you for supporting!
100.00 USD
Monetary Contribution

Thank you for contributing in a way that's in financial alignment for you! :)

11 Supporters
Select this reward
25.00 USD
Thank you for supporting!

Your donation sincerely means so much! For donating at this level, I'm going to give you the juiciest shoutout on my podcast, The Black Creator Connection podcast!

579 Left
21 Supporters
Select this reward
55.00 USD
Shoutout + Creative Resilience PDF

shoutout on the podcast & creative resilience PDF, full of journal prompts, book recommendations, affirmations, manifestation rituals and other exercises to support you in building a courageous and consistent creative, juicy life!

293 Left
7 Supporters
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555.00 USD
Coaching & Care Package

1 month of 60 min. mentor calls + Creator Care package

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0 Supporters
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About the Entrepreneur


100.00 USD
Monetary Contribution

Thank you for contributing in a way that's in financial alignment for you! :)

11 Supporters
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25.00 USD
Thank you for supporting!

Your donation sincerely means so much! For donating at this level, I'm going to give you the juiciest shoutout on my podcast, The Black Creator Connection podcast!

579 Left
21 Supporters
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55.00 USD
Shoutout + Creative Resilience PDF

shoutout on the podcast & creative resilience PDF, full of journal prompts, book recommendations, affirmations, manifestation rituals and other exercises to support you in building a courageous and consistent creative, juicy life!

293 Left
7 Supporters
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555.00 USD
Coaching & Care Package

1 month of 60 min. mentor calls + Creator Care package

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0 Supporters
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