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Dear, dear backers!

🎺 🥁 WE DID IT! 

Thank you to our earliest funders for your patience through THREE campaign pauses due to various forces majeures and Acts of God! 

Thank you to our latest funders who pushed us over the top! 

Thank you to everyone in between who helped keep us and our digital teams chugging along and churning out the FUNNY!

We have been able to: 

  • Recruit and onboard a slate of 13 all-female/non-binary digital sketch teams.
  • Provide them with insurance, stipends, and a bit of studio time...
  • Along with skill-building, exposure, and a new professional community! 
  • Bring on an intern to help with complex scheduling and signal-boosting
  • Launch a cadence of releasing some SERIOUS FUNNY 2/x a week! Like this

To make sure you don't miss a one, please follow us @goldcomedy and subscribe to our YouTube here

We will be in touch ASAP to make sure you get your rewards promptly. In the meantime, please know that you directly helped boost the comedy careers of ~100 women/non-binary folks. Ripple effect, ripple effect: You are helping change the face of comedy and helping make the world a funnier place!

Thanks to all of you from the entire GOLD team.

All my best, 
