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24 Hours Since Launch

I talk about the power of community all the time to the Hacker in Heels Insiders, and yet I did not anticipate the outpouring of support we received right out of the gate.

So much so that I'm still setting up the processes to collect the information needed for the rewards!

For those who have contributed, please be on the lookout for an email from Hacker in Heels by the end of the week. 

We are going to incorporate the social media shoutouts into our posts starting next week, after August 1st (we took July off since we ended our social media manager contract—super grateful for the work they did in executing our rebrand!)

I'm also excited to say that we've already got some press coverage in the works, so keep an eye out for that.

BIG Thanks to those who have contributed and shared the campaign in this first 24 hours. If we can keep up this momentum we'll have more than enough money to build out a jaw-dropping salon!

— Stacey